FORME's committees are where work gets done! We have our share of fun in the Crews and at social events, but we are first and foremost a leadership development organization dedicated to giving our freshmen real world experience in decision-making and teamwork. Each committee is comprised of two Committee Leaders and eight freshmen members. Committee meetings will be planned around freshmen schedules and only held as necessary (we're not here to waste your time).

Social - Sam and Hannah
One of FORME's newer committees - our PR team! Social is in charge of handling all social events with other FLO’s, and setting up fun hangouts! They interact with a wide variety of leaders on campus, and aim to give freshmen experience in branching out in the Aggie community.

Philanthropy - Jackson and Allie
Philanthropy is FORME’s newest committee. This committee is in charge of all communications between FORME and our philanthropy partner, @thevillageprogramtx . We look forward to partnering with such an awesome program and helping to serve our community.

Community Service - Alex and Ryleigh
This is the heart and soul of FORME. Community Service is in charge of planning all service projects such as working with Beautiful Abilities, Big Event, and our semesterly service trips. In FORME, we believe there isn't much in this world more rewarding than serving others.

Fundraising - Andrew and Jenna
Where FORME raises the funds. Although FORME has the benefit of considerable freedom by not being overseen by a larger organization, we have the challenge of being entirely self-funded. Fundraising organizes things such as Cupids Oreos and Profit Shares.

The Order - Caden and Caroline
The backbone of FORME. The Order plans and runs all of our weekly meetings. Our meetings range from a night outside of the room doing some hands-on leadership development, to hearing from inspiring speakers, to fun team-bonding activities.

Home Goods - Jaxson and Melayna
The ones who make FORME look good. HomeGoods is where all of our creative members are given the opportunity to instill pride in the FORME brand. All of our T-shirts, fleeces, stickers, hats, and other apparel are designed by this committee.

External Relations - Logan and Silvana
This committee runs all of FORME's social media accounts! From Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and our newsletter, External Relations keeps every member of FORME (new and old), and others visiting our sites up to date on what FORME is up to.

Internal Affairs - Parker and Carly
Where FORME has the fun. Internal Affairs works as a liaison between the other committees and Director Staff. They plan all “crew” events and competitions, and run weekly hangouts for members, always keeping things exciting.