Freshmen Organizing and Running Mixed Events
FORME was established as a freshman leadership organization in 2011. Our founders wanted a freshman experience that revolved around creating life-long friendships.
FORME provides freshmen with the opportunity to leave their own mark on our campus. As a member of FORME, you’re given the chance to use your creativity and imagination to turn your ideas into something that might live on here at A&M long after you’ve graduated. This is your time to create life-long friendships with your peers through service and leadership activities while learning skills to build a foundation for the rest of your life. What you really need to know is that FORME is all about the people. Joining our family will guarantee you an unforgettable freshman year!
The Basics: FORME has 19 staff members (3 Directors and 16 Committee Leaders), and we're looking to find the 56 freshmen that will be the best fit for the organization. We are not looking for any one specific type of person, just freshmen who are willing to be themselves! Dues are less than $240 annually, and they pay for things like your FORME retreats, shirts, service trips, and events. We have two all FLO events that we host throughout the year! One of them is called "Caroling for Cans". During Caroling for Cans, we go around the B/CS area Christmas caroling and collecting food/donations for the Brazos Valley Food Bank. The other event is up to you! FORME offers a unique experience in allowing our freshmen members to design, organize and run their very own event in the Spring Semester.
Meetings: Meetings are mandatory, and will be held every Wednesday night at 7:00 in Rudder 310 with family dinner before in the MSC. This is where you will participate in leadership development workshops and have the privilege to hear from distinguished leaders from varying disciplines and backgrounds. If we have a speaker or other special occasion, we will wear business casual, but otherwise you're free to wear whatever you want!
Retreats: We have a New Members Retreat at the beginning of the year, a voluntary (but highly recommended) Winter Retreat over the break, and a Spring Retreat. Retreats are typically 2 nights (over a weekend), with the New Member Retreat being one night. Retreats are planned and carried out by your Committee Leaders and are where most FORME members say they made their strongest bonds!
Committees*: Committees are where work gets done. This is where you are given the opportunities to use the leadership skills you are learning. You will have the opportunity to pref which committee you want. Check out our 'Committee' tab to read more about each committee and what they do.
Crews*: Crews are the social side of FORME. This is a fun small group where you can come with your frustrations or celebrations, talk about your week or just go hang out with your fellow crew members. We also have All-Crew competitions between all of the different crews within FORME.
*Both Committees and Crews have seven freshmen and two sophomores, but you won't see the same people in either group so you get the chance to know everyone.
The Big Program: Freshmen guys will be paired with FORMEr ladies, and freshmen ladies with FORMEr guys. Those pairs will then be put into a "family" of four total members (two guys and two girls). Your Big family is there to help! They're there to let you know the things that took them a year to figure out without any guidance. They can help out with those secret study spots, the best places to eat, what courses or professors to take, and those little things that usually only come through experience here in College Station. It is also expands your network and exposure as a freshman because many of our FORMErs have involvement outside of the organization, including The Big Event, SLOs, Greek life, Fish Camp, fraternities, sororities and other men's and women's organizations like One Army, Centuries, Ol' Ags, Aggie Men's Alliance, Aggie Belles, Ryllies, Maggies, Sweethearts and many others.